Faceslapping femdom

Your face will hurt!

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Lady Scarlet realized that this guy was a conniving bastard and she did not want any part of it. She wanted to deal with someone who was straightforward and this guy was not. So he had to be punished. The mistress used her hard slaps on him after she had caged him. He was had cramped muscles and could not defend himself against her hard and cruel slaps. He stopped that habit.

Mistress Dula wanted to find out whether this guy could take a slap or two before she decided to engage him. She did not want someone who was a sissy and could not withstand a slap or two since she was known to give them away like candy. So she had to get someone who would not be scared or piss his pants when he got one hard slap on his cheeks.

Mistress Dula felt that her ex husband had a habit of delaying her child support. She had been lenient on him as she wanted to be understanding but he was taking advantage of her and she did not want that to continue. That is why she had to change tact. So she slapped him cruelly and caught him by surprise as she did so. He learned his lesson the hard way.

Mistress NoirQueenie caught her boyfriend flirting with another girl and she was not pleased about it. She had to make sure it never happened again and that is why she went ahead to slap the shit out of him. He had tried to deny it but she had it all on video and he could not deny it any more. He had to beg her for mercy and promise never to do it again.

This mistress caught her boyfriend checking her friend out and she did not like it. She felt that if he could do that in her presence, he was capable of doing much worse when she was not around. So she slapped the shit out of him and she made him promise never to check other women out as it was disrespectful to her and she would not like it at all.

Lady Scarlet was so angry at this guy that she slapped him sadistically. She did not care what he felt as she punished him and she went as far as torturing him like never before. He tried to plead with her for leniency but she ignored it and she humiliated him with more slaps and she spat on him. The guy knelt down as she humiliated him and slapped him.

Mistress Cristianali does not like slow people working for her. She needs people who are sharp and alert. People who are quick and can do whatever she wants instantly. So she had to punish her slave to make him fast because she felt that he was complacent which was what made him slow. The mistress slapped the shit out of him and even spat on him for good measure. He changed.

Whenever she has a new slave, it is always a ritual for this mistress to slap her slave and also spit on him. She does this so as to make them fear her and fear pissing her off. This is because it makes them obey her always and work hard. They do not lie and know that if they mess up, they will be in a lot of trouble. It always works.

Mistress Reell has a problem with slow people and when she found out that she had a slow slave, she could not believe that she had hired a slow slave. He could not comprehend a lot of things she told him. So she tried to reboot him with hard and hot slaps. After a few days, she realized he did better and so she knew her slaps were the key to his improvement.

This guy pretended and acted as if he was macho. But mistress Reell did not buy this and she called his bluff. She asked him to let her slap him and he agreed as he did not want anyone to think he was less than what he had said he was. So she slapped the shit out of him and he tried his best to endure it but it became too much for him and he cried.

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